IT majors like TCS, Wipro and Satyam will vie with each other for tech projects worth Rs 800 crore to be implemented soon by the Indian Railways. Eight key projects have been identified and are in the implementation stage ranging from passenger services to freight and ticketing segment.
The Railways would invite expressions of interest worth Rs 800 crore for some of the projects. Wipro, TCS and Satyam have had various rounds of talks with the Railways are expected to participate in the projects.
Out of the eight, the freight operating information system (FOIS), integrated coaching management system are key projects, that would create substantial efficiencies for the entity. Terminal management system is also being developed which will enable online delivery and issue of receipts at all railway terminals also creating a centralised revenue account of all terminals.
"Creating an IT infrastructure is possibly one of the largest programmes being conducted in the organisation today," said VN Mathur, member traffic of Railway Board. Almost every information in the Railways is manually entered. That often leads to complexities, errors and unnecessary delay. "We have identified eight projects, some of which are already in the process of implementation whereas for others consultants are being appointed," he added.
Out of the eight projects, freight operating information systems (FOIS), integrated coach management system are key projects, that would create substantial efficiencies for the entity. The FOIS system will enable the Railways to track each and every train running on its system. Along with the FOIS, a terminal management system is also being developed which will enable online delivery and issue of receipts at all railway terminals also creating a centralised revenue account of all terminals.
The integrated coaching management system will play a crucial role in mapping wagons owned by the Railways. With almost two lakh wagons, the Railways have been at a loss in identifying which wagons lie where, in what condition, something that has resulted in huge under-utilisation of assets.
The Railways would invite expressions of interest worth Rs 800 crore for some of the projects. Wipro, TCS and Satyam have had various rounds of talks with the Railways are expected to participate in the projects.
Out of the eight, the freight operating information system (FOIS), integrated coaching management system are key projects, that would create substantial efficiencies for the entity. Terminal management system is also being developed which will enable online delivery and issue of receipts at all railway terminals also creating a centralised revenue account of all terminals.
"Creating an IT infrastructure is possibly one of the largest programmes being conducted in the organisation today," said VN Mathur, member traffic of Railway Board. Almost every information in the Railways is manually entered. That often leads to complexities, errors and unnecessary delay. "We have identified eight projects, some of which are already in the process of implementation whereas for others consultants are being appointed," he added.
Out of the eight projects, freight operating information systems (FOIS), integrated coach management system are key projects, that would create substantial efficiencies for the entity. The FOIS system will enable the Railways to track each and every train running on its system. Along with the FOIS, a terminal management system is also being developed which will enable online delivery and issue of receipts at all railway terminals also creating a centralised revenue account of all terminals.
The integrated coaching management system will play a crucial role in mapping wagons owned by the Railways. With almost two lakh wagons, the Railways have been at a loss in identifying which wagons lie where, in what condition, something that has resulted in huge under-utilisation of assets.
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