Monday, January 7, 2008

PowerYourTrade Trading Calls for 7th January 2008

Trading Calls for 7th January 2008
Ashwani Gujral
Buy Colgate palmolive with a stop loss of Rs 415 for a target of Rs 640.

Buy Colgate palmolive with a stop loss of Rs 415 for a target of Rs 640.

Disclosure: Neither me, nor my family nor our clients have any position in the above stock. However we run a substantial newsletter, chatroom and money mgmt business and this can change at any time in future.

Buy Hindustan Unilever with a stop loss of Rs 222 for a target of Rs 270.

Buy Hindustan Unilever with a stop loss of Rs 222 for a target of Rs 270.

Disclosure: Neither me, nor my family nor our clients have any position in the above stock. However we run a substantial newsletter, chatroom and money mgmt business and this can change at any time in future.

VK Sharma
Buy ONGC around Rs 1323. Stop Loss of Rs 1300. This is a day trading recommendation.

Buy ONGC around Rs 1323. Stop Loss of Rs 1300. This is a day trading recommendation.

Disclaimer: - This document has been prepared by Anagram Stock broking Ltd. (Anagram), for use by the recipient only and not for circulation. The information and opinions contained in the document have been compiled from sources believed to be reliable. Anagram does not warrant its accuracy, completeness and correctness. This document is not, and should not be construed as, an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any securities. This document may not be reproduced, distributed or published, in whole or in part, by any recipient hereof for any purpose without prior permission from us. Anagram and the analyst(s), including his dependant family members may have an interest in the securities recommended above. To unsubscribe, send a mail to

Copyright in this document vests exclusively with Anagram Stock broking Limited

Mathew Easow
Buy Webel Solar Energy only on dips with a stop loss of Rs 668 for a short-term target of Rs 900-950.

Buy Webel Solar Energy only on dips with a stop loss of Rs 668 for a short-term target of Rs 900-950.

Disclaimer: - At the time of writing this article, I, my family members and my group companies do not have any position in WEBEL SOLAR ENERGY. This stock has been recommended to our clients and they may be holding long or short positions in this stock.

Mathew Easow and gives an unbiased and competent picture of trading & investment opportunities and it does that to the best of its abilities. The information contained herein is not a complete analysis of every material fact representing the company, industry or security. The views expressed may change. However, prices can move up as well as down due to a number of factors, all of which are impossible for anyone to foresee. THEREFORE, Mathew Easow and cannot accept any responsibility (or liability) for the accuracy of the above contents and also any investment decision or trading decision taken by readers and clients on the basis of information contained herein.

Short Term Target Means - Approximately 3 -4 weeks. If the target is not met within 3-4 weeks then please exit the positions.

Please follow stop losses very strictly and do not take positions where one is uncomfortable with the stop loss level. Above all Buy or Sell the stock only when the risk - reward ratio vis-a-vis the stop loss is favourable for taking a position. Individual traders /investors should book profit depending on their risk bearing capacity and need not wait for the targets.


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